What is IEEE MCBU Twin Student Branches Project?
IEEE MCBU KÖK Twin Student Branches Project, or shortly the KÖK project, which is affiliated to IEEE Turkey Branch Student Branches, was established in 2009 with the aim of eliminating the miscommunication of the Student Branches and encouraging the Student Branches to work together and improving ourselves personally and institutionally in academic, technical and social terms. was established. In the project, the student branches within the IEEE aim to establish fraternity by pairing with two or three groups. These established fraternities produce technical projects together, participate in each other's activities and organize social events together to strengthen the intimacy between them. In this way, a stronger bond is established between the student branches within IEEE Turkey.
IEEE MCBÜ KÖK, each year apart from our sister schools; We aim for our members to get to know each other and socialize with IEEE DAY, where the anniversary of IEEE is celebrated, meeting meetings and integration activities.
In addition, we aim to bring our committees together with Ege University and Pamukkale University, our sister schools this year, to network, socialize and work on technical issues.
Twin Student Branches
Team work

Our Events
Events we organize within IEEE MCBU KÖK
IEEE Day, which is celebrated in the first week of October every year, is the week in which the foundation of IEEE is celebrated. IEEE Day celebrates around the world and showcases the ways thousands of IEEE members in local communities come together to collaborate on ideas that leverage technology for a better tomorrow. Thanks to the IEEE Day ambassadors in more than 100 schools in our country, it is celebrated simultaneously on the same day of the year. This year, it was held in Bornova, Izmir with nearly 50 members of our school.
Meetup Meetings
It is a social activity we do at the beginning of each year to create a family atmosphere with our new members. In this meeting, we will introduce IEEE MCBÜ with our new members, explain the IEEE traditions so that they will not be forgotten, our event starts and then we meet by playing STEM games and have fun times.
Chairman of Committee