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What is IEEE MCBU Promotion & Design Committee?

As the Promotion & Design Coordinatorship, our mission is make a road map to every event that happens by our community and make designs that necessary in this process

Promotion & Design Coordinatorship takes active roles in big events that we organize every year. At the first part, we are finding best path of promotion process then we are making creative, elegant and gorgeous designs that we need in social media and real world.

Promotion & Design Committee


Within the team, by finding the source of motivation in each other; eye-pleasing, highly rational and innovative designs are offered to the user on campus and digital ambiance.


By staying away from texts that create confusion of meaning and unnecessary elements that tire the eyes; simple yet elegant designs emerge by catching a perfect harmony in the color palettes used.

Good Communication

Regardless of the status, we keep the ties between bilateral relations and intra-group relations tightly, and we carry out our works within the framework of love and respect in the family environment.

Nice Marketing

We are taking firm steps towards institutionalization by ensuring that all our mission and vision regarding our student branch and communities are well launched on & off campus and in social media.

Berkay Ekici

Chairman of Committee

I’m Berkay Ekici. It’s my 1st year on Manisa Celal Bayar University Mechanical Engineering. I am the Design Coordinator at IEEE MCBU Student Branch. I have been interested about making designs, using photoshop, video editing for many years. With the administrative board elections that happened in spring term, I had the chance to find a place for myself in IEEE MCBU family and to have this passion also serve a good cause.

Cansu Yalçıntaş

Chairwoman of Committee

I’m Cansu Yalçıntaş. I’m a 1st year student of Mechatronics Engineering at Manisa Celal Bayar University. In the adventure of IEEE MCBU, which I started by being a part of ARTEK’22 coordination team, after the administrative board elections held in the spring term, I continue my student life as the Promotion Coordinator. I have no doubt that together with my teammates, who did not leave me alone in this adventure, we will organize many more events, webinars and workshops, as we have done greats before.