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Our Prestigious Event ARTEK'22

ARTEK'22 is the big hall event organized for the fourth time this year within the IEEE MCBÜ Computer Society. Our biggest motivation while creating the event was to bring the companies that take the pulse of the sector together with us, students, who strive to provide career development during their undergraduate education, in a physical environment and to be enlightened.
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How to Distinguish F-16 Models?

The F-16 Fighting Falcon is a single-engine fighter aircraft developed by General Dynamics for the US Air Force. The Fighting Falcon, which was originally designed as a lightweight fighter, has been modernized over the years in line with the needs of the armed forces and has evolved into a multirole combat airfighter that can be used for different operations today.
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Satellite Technologies and Turkey

Satellites are not just about television. A lot of work is being done for broadband internet access and defense industry with new generation satellites. While designing satellites, the operating frequency is as important as their function. Although satellite internet may seem very unusual, 400,000 satellite internet subscriptions were created in New York in 2020.
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What is Industry 4.0?

Industry 4.0 is the name of the industry-technology integration, which was started to be prepared and implemented years ago in developed countries. After important industrial revolutions in the production sector, countries had to keep up with these global changes and had to developed some strategies in an increasingly competitive environment. Industry 4.0, is one of these strategies.
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An Event Where Strong Women Meet: Impressive Women in Companies’22

Impressive Women in Companies'22 is the second big hall event organized by IEEE MCBU Women in Engineering this year. Our biggest goal while creating this event was to show that the success of women in the sector is too great to be underestimated and to share the unity and solidarity created by women with our participants through our speakers who participated in our event.
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Age of Simplicity with Flat Design

In the past years, when it comes to design, designs that contain many complex elements have emerged, but now designs that only give importance to simplicity that appeals to the eye have begun to emerge. Many famous companies started to present their logos to the users by taking their logos from 3D images to 2D images, using a method called "Flat Design". So what is this Flat Design?
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