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What is the IEEE MCBU Sponsorship Committee?

The purpose of the Sponsorship Committee, which is a sub-unit of IEEE MCBU Student Branch; is to carry out studies on providing the materials and financial support needed within the scope of the activities, training and projects to be carried out by other committees within the scope of our community. Studies are carried out throughout the year to establish corporate partnerships with companies and to make activities more efficient.

As one of the secret heroes of our student branch, the Sponsorship Committee is an integral part of every committee. To better promote the activities of our community and to provide the necessary support, the members of our committee should also dominate other committees and follow the work performed.

Members of the Sponsorship Committee have the opportunity to meet people from the sector and develop themselves by meeting with the corporate structure and communicating with companies. In other words, our committee contributes to the future of its members as well as the IEEE MCBÜ family and develops them professionally.

Sponsorship Committee


We make sure that the companies we choose for cooperation have a clean history and at the same time we remain loyal to our collaborators.


We give priority and importance to long-term cooperation.

Win - Win

We carry out studies in a way that looks after the interests of both parties.


We carry out our activities in a way that supports the corporate stance of our student branch.

İrem Tepe

Chairwoman of Committee

Hi, I'm Irem Tepe. My department is Mechanical Engineering. My IEEE adventure started with participating as a member of the Content Manager of the IEEE MCBU Technical Trip Committee in the period of 2021-2022. In the process, I got opportunities such as official correspondence, in-group compatibility, improving communication skills. As a result of the events that I attended and the hearings which I received, the Sponsorship Committee caught my attention and I continue my IEEE career by working as the Sponsorship Coordinator in this com.