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What is IEEE MCBU Power and Energy Society?

Power & Energy Society (PES), one of the technical sub – committees of the IEEE MCBU Student Branch. Our society operates in the fields of power and energy. As the main aim, it works to ensure that our members have leadership qualities, are sharing, social, self – confident and make a difference in their professions anda are competent in their fields.

The main field of study is power and energy; IEEE MCBU PES, working on electricity, electric vehicles, renewable energy sources from solar energy to geothermal energy, aims to be the most active society of the community with the projects it develops, the education it gives and hall events it organizes.

Power and Energy Society


We adopt sustainability as the main purpose of our activities.


We organize events on renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy.


We organize projects on electricity, which is a part of our life.


We organize events on the digitalization of various infrastructures, especially electricity infranstructures.
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Our Events

Events we organize within IEEE MCBU PES

Business Life Webinar

On 20 December 2021, we held a webinar with Emre Can Öndeş, who works as Automation Applications Engineer at Kontek Energy, on our IEEE MCBU Student Branch Youtube channel. In this webinar our topic was “Business Life” and Mr. Öndeş answered questions from our participants.

Energy Sector Tea&Talk

On December 16, 2021, we organized a Tea Talk with Mr. Çağrı Ceylan, who works as Energy Systems Chief at Abalıoğlu Lezita Gıda Company, at Ceypark Shopping Mall Ispark Cafe. Mr. Ceylan answered our questions from our participants about business life and the energy sector.


It is one of our important events that we organized face-to-face at Manisa Celal Bayar University Ümit Doğay Arınç Cultural Center on February 21, 2022. The main topic of our activity is power and energy.

Faruk Hazindar

Chairman of Committee

Hello, My name is Faruk Hazindar, President of IEEE MCBU Power and Energy Society for 2021 – 2022. It’s my first year in my department which is electrical electronics engineering. I started my IEEE journey in 2020 as IEEE MCBU PES Project and Education Coordinator. I have never hesitated to take responsibility because I believe that a person will develop and grow not as they get older, but as they take responsibility. I someone who enjoys listening to music and watching movies.